We are very sad to announce that Dr. Sergio Archangelsky passed away last 10th of July at the age of 91. He was born in 1931 in Casablanca, Marruecos, but at a young age, he moved with his parents to Argentina where he got his Bachelor and Ph.D. degrees. Soon he began a fruitful career as Professor in different public universities (Tucumán University, La Plata University and Buenos Aires University) as well as a Researcher position at the National Council of Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET). Dr. Archangelsky developed his scientific career during the last 35 years at the Palaeobotanical Division in the Argentine Natural Science Museum “Bernardino Rivadavia” (MACN) where he was the Curator of the Paleobotanical Collection- BA Pb (photo). Among his numerous scientific and academic positions, he was our IOP Vice President during 1981-1986. Dr. Archangelsky has published more than 250 publications on the topics of Paleobotany, Paleopalynolgy, Biostratrigraphy, Paleobiogeography and Paleoclimatology of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic of southern South America and the relation with the rest of Gondwana. These contributions are certainly his legacy to the Paleobotanical community. We will miss his talks and spirited ideas about the discipline he loved so much. Goodbye TEACHER!